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Results for "author_first: "Sam", author_last: "Keen""
Hymns to an Unknown God Sam Keen on what is needed for a shift to a compassionate culture.
Inward Bound A recognition of the patience required to build inner riches.
Sightings Sam Keen's experience of the symphony of animals and the possibility of deeper listening.
Beginnings Without End Sam Keen on being open to the middle way or neither ecstasy or depression.
The Passionate Life Connecting to your animal nature to nurture your own happiness.
Faces of the Enemy A watershed work on the intertwining of enmity, propaganda, and warfare that urges us to find an alternative to the idea of redemptive violence and the warrior mythology.
Telling Your Story A look at how we invent stories to find meaning.
Learning to Fly Sam Keen on the artistry of a trapeze troupe as an effort to create something of fleeting and fragile beauty.
Learning to Fly An exuberant and lyrical meditation on the art of flying.
Inward Bound A creative and thought-provoking examination of boredom.